
Our doctors provide a wide range of eye services.

Comprehensive Eye Examinations

You have likely never received an eye exam like the one you will receive at Louisville Eye Center. Your experience will be thorough and efficient. You will receive a complete assessment of your ocular health and visual system. Your optimal eyeglass or contact lens prescription will allow you to see your best. At the end of the exam, your doctor will take time to explain the results and answer your questions.


Contact Lens Specialty Services

Dr. McNulty is residency trained to provide contact lens services that are unavailable at most eyecare practices. Patients are referred to Louisville Eye Center’s from eye doctors in surrounding states to provide these services.

At Louisville Eye Center, anybody can wear contacts! Even if you have astigmatism or need bifocals, we have a solution for you. Dr. McNulty receives referrals for patients who have had corneal transplants or eye injuries, who require custom-designed contact lenses. Many of our patients have been told that they can’t wear contacts, and visit us after they have failed to receive satisfactory results elsewhere.

Soft Contacts

The default contact lens for many people is a soft contact. This is a convenient, simple option in many circumstances. Today’s materials and designs are also much healthier than previous generations.

Astigmatism Contacts

Many of our patients have been told that contact lenses are not a good option because of their astigmatism. At Louisville Eye Center, we specialize in contact lenses for “hard-to-fit” eyes. In fact, many of our patients find that they see better with their astigmatism contact lenses than they do with their eyeglasses.


Keratoconus is a corneal disease that causes high degrees of “irregular astigmatism.” This is in contrast to “regular astigmatism,” which is well treated with eyeglasses. Irregular astigmatism is not fully corrected with eyeglasses.

There are a variety of treatment options for keratoconus. Mild cases often do well with eyeglasses. Moderate cases may require contact lenses. Soft lenses (often custom-designed soft lenses) represent a good option for moderate keratoconus. Louisville Eye Center utilizes the latest technologies in custom-made soft contact lenses for many keratoconus patients. If the condition is more advanced, gas permeable contacts may be required. The gas permeable lenses at Louisville Eye Center use the latest materials and technologies for a healthy, comfortable result. The most advanced cases of keratoconus may require Scleral Contact Lenses. These lenses are only available at a handful of specialist offices nationwide. Dr. McNulty has extensive experience in the use of Scleral Contact Lenses.

For more information on keratoconus including a Q&A with Dr. McNulty, please click here.

Bifocal/Multifocal Contacts

If you wear bifocal or no-line bifocal (progressive) glasses, you may be interested in multifocal contact lenses. Louisville Eye Center utilized the latest technologies in multifocal contact lenses to free people from reading glasses and bifocals.

Gas Permeable Contacts

For many people, gas permeable contact lenses are an excellent option. These lenses provide excellent optics, oftentimes better than what soft contact lenses can achieve. Gas permeable contact lenses are the latest iteration of what used to be called “hard contacts.” Unlike those lenses, gas permeable contacts are extremely comfortable and healthy.

Hybrid Contacts

Louisville Eye Center utilizes hybrid contact lenses, which are a combination of soft lenses and gas permeable lenses. They combine the superior optics of a gas permeable lens with the convenience and familiarity of soft lenses.

Scleral Contact Lenses

Dr. McNulty is one of the few eye doctors in the region (and only a handful nationally) with the expertise necessary to prescribe Scleral Contact Lenses. In fact, he lectures at conferences around the country on the use of these lenses. Scleral Contact Lenses represent the latest technology in contact lenses. They are ultra breathable, large-diameter gas permeable lenses that “vault” the cornea and rest on the white part of the eye (the sclera). Scleral Contact Lenses provide life-changing benefits to a variety of people

Moderate to severe keratoconus: Scleral Contact Lenses provide excellent vision, superior comfort, and health benefits that often prevent the need for corneal transplants.

People with previous eye surgery: Scleral Contact Lenses restore vision to people who have had unsuccessful LASIK, corneal transplants, or surgery to repair eye injuries.

Severe Dry Eye Disease: People with conditions such as Sjogren’s Syndrome or Graft Versus Host Disease often have devastating dry eye. Even for people with more “run of the mill” dry eye, Scleral Contact Lenses can restore ocular hydration and provide life-changing benefits.

For more information about Scleral Contact Lenses, please click here.

Low Vision Rehabilitation

A person with low vision has an eye disease that has led to reduced visual acuity or reduced peripheral vision that cannot be fixed with glasses. Low vision rehabilitative services can help people with low vision regain their independence and improve their quality of life.

A patient’s individual rehabilitation plan may include prescription glasses or contact lenses, optical and electronic magnification devices, assistive technology, glare control with therapeutic filters, contrast enhancement, eccentric viewing, visual field enhancement, non-optical options and referral for additional services with other professionals.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Diseases

At Louisville Eye Center, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of eye conditions. Some common conditions that we manage include:


This chronic condition becomes more common with advancing age. It causes gradual and permanent vision loss. Therefore, early detection and treatment is extremely important. Treatment options include eye drops and laser surgery, both of which are offered at Louisville Eye Center. In fact, Dr. McNulty lectures frequently to fellow eye doctors on the use of laser surgery in the treatment of glaucoma.


Almost everyone will develop cataracts at some point in their lives, most commonly in their 70s. At Louisville Eye Center, your comprehensive eye examination always includes assessment for cataracts.

Macular Degeneration

Louisville Eye Center uses the latest diagnostic technology to diagnose and manage macular degeneration. This includes Optical Coherence Tomography and Fundus Autofluorescence. These cutting-edge technologies rival those offered at large academic institutions.

Dry Eye Disease

Our doctors have special expertise in the treatment of chronic or stubborn dry eye disease. Many patients at Louisville Eye Center have seen numerous eye doctors before seeing us, with unsuccessful treatment of dry eye disease. With the proper diagnostic techniques and treatments, most of these patients receive life-changing treatment to improve their wellbeing.

Click here for a Q&A with the doctors on dry eye disease.


This common and under-recognized condition can cause many secondary problems, such as dry eye disease and conjunctivitis. It is commonly associated with ocular rosacea, another under-diagnosed condition. If your eyes are often red, itchy, and uncomfortable, you may have undiagnosed blepharitis. Louisville Eye Center utilizes the latest treatments for this condition.

Conjunctivitis (“Pink eye”)

Most of us have encountered this condition at some point in our lives. While it is common, it can be very difficult to treat correctly. Many other eye care offices, urgent care centers, and emergency rooms commonly prescribe incorrect and expensive medications for conjunctivitis. Louisville Eye Center stays up-to-date with the latest research, and offers the best treatment for conjunctivitis.

Diabetic Eye Disease

If you have diabetes, your family doctor or endocrinologist probably speaks with you about the importance of regular eye exams. Louisville Eye Center diagnoses and treats a variety of diabetic eye disease, from dry eye disease to diabetic retinopathy.


Chalazion (“Styes”)

At Louisville Eye Center, we don’t just treat the eye itself. We also treat infections and inflammation of the eyelid. One common eyelid condition is a chalazion, commonly called a stye. Dr McNulty frequently lectures to fellow eye doctors on the most effective treatment options for chalazia.

Treatment of Eye Injuries

Before joining Louisville Eye Center, our doctors provided services at VA and IHS Hospitals. They have extensive experience in treating eye injuries in a hospital setting. They bring this expertise to Louisville Eye Center, where they provide care for a variety of eye injuries.


Advanced Diagnostic Procedures

Louisville Eye Center offers the latest technologies for early detection of eye conditions. Like many diseases, eye conditions are best treated when they are detected early. Your visit to Louisville Eye Center will include an assessment with state-of-the-art technologies to ensure your eyes remain in good health.


Eye Surgery

Louisville Eye Center offers a variety of office-based eye and eyelid surgeries:

  • Laser glaucoma treatment: Laser procedures such as Peripheral Iridotomy and Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) can help glaucoma patients avoid the use of eye drops.
  • YAG Capsulotomy for secondary cataracts: If you had cataract surgery and your vision has grown blurry, you may benefit from this laser surgery.


Children’s Eye Exams

At Louisville Eye Center, we see children and infants of all ages. In fact, we participate in the InfantSee program, a nationwide public health initiative that provides free eye exams for infants under one year old.


Eyewear gallery

Our licensed opticians have decades of experience to help you see great– and look great, too! Let them help you find a new style in your next pair of glasses. Our eyeglasses are crafted from the finest materials in the world. Our lenses are scratch proof, smudge proof, and fully warranted. Best of all, we unconditionally guarantee all of our eyeglasses.

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